Friday, August 9, 2013

A witty quote proves nothing.

There's this girl I know who tries so hard to be a certain type of girl. It's obvious, in the way she styles herself, the things she posts on Instagram, and her insincere captions on the various things in life. Nobody responds to her attempts - they don't 'like' her pictures, they constantly draw references to the old 'her', and they laugh at her for trying.

That's so sad, isn't it? When the definition you give yourself is dependent on how other people react and what they have to say. Because for her, to become the kind of girl she aspires to be, social recognition is exactly what she needs. Nothing else she does/say will make a difference.

I don't dislike her, if that's what you are getting from this. I don't know her well enough to like/dislike her, but I wish I knew her well enough to tell her to stop trying to be anyone but herself. Maybe that's what we all need to know: If you find yourself having to put in effort to maintain "yourself", then you are not being yourself.

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