Sunday, July 28, 2013


I'm starting work tomorrow! I'll mainly be shadowing a psychologist while he carries out his treatments in home visits + doing some light research (surprisingly, my favorite job in the world). It's making me nervous, probably because it's something I will learn a lot from and I really want to do a good job #asiangeeeeeeek #overachiever. WHAT SHOULD I WEAR. WHAT SHOULD I SAY. SHOULD I BE FUNNY OR SERIOUS. I DON'T KNOW.

And after work, I'm heading to help out at J's new storefront! I'm sooooo excited for him. It's his third one now and he's inching closer and closer to his dream. My heart is bursting with pride!! I'm really glad both of us are doing very well now, and we're involved in things that we are passionate about. It was all empty hopes just a few years ago.

So if you are still figuring out your life, or are still slogging in the tedious journey, don't lose heart! You'll get there, like J is, and like I will be (hopefully) ^^


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