Saturday, July 14, 2012


Given how the England weather is infamous for being shit, I think SJ, Div and I were pretty lucky for the one perfect day where we got our barbeque tools out! Timing was great as well; the day of my last exam paper and two days before we were supposed to move out.

My pretty babies and our little spot at the Pavilion field :)

Got this disposable BBQ tray from Tesco and it was pretty good, but it wouldn't light for a good 20 minutes!!

That's SJ and I trying under a huge tree for shade. Thank God it worked eventually!

Here's a picture of them choking from the smoke, hahahahahahaha. Sorry. Evil moment.

But we got awesome food!!!! Chicken wings, sausages (WHICH WAS THE BOMB), bacon, buttered corn on the cob, and halloumi (WHICH I DISCOVERED IS THE BEST CHEESE EVER SINCE I GOT TO THE UK). Omg, I want to eat everything now~

As you can imagine, I was slowly dying under their weight while they had fun pretending to be levitating. Hahaha.

Cheerleaders-wannabe, and I think we did a pretty good job!

This is our gazillion attempts at a jump shot. I was the best at timing, SJ was the best at jumping, and Div was the best at landing pre-maturely. Hahaha.

Successful shot!!!

Aaaaaaand, our ending pose.

It was such a nice day to be out, and I had so much fun with the girls. I'm back in Singapore now, and I'm already missing my Flat 20 mates. Gonna miss them so much more next year :(

On a lighter note, I present you with....SJ ON A TREE: