Saturday, August 20, 2011

University Girl.

Most of you would know that I've always planned to study Psychology in Australia, and was already prepared to apply for schools in early September. But my aunt from London came back and got me thinking about schooling in UK instead. So I rushed my personal statement and applications on UCAS, and with the help of my godly mentor, managed to prepare myself in time for late acceptance. My past few days have been completely dedicated to bugging universities, and camping in front of my computer for any news from them.

Day #01:

Because the A'Level results were released in UK, most systems were jammed and universities had no time to entertain my little application. I literally spent hours just staring at my email inbox and grabbing my phone in one hand.

My mentor, Dr. P, helped me obtain an offer from University of Sheffield, but it was under the condition that there isn't another student with better results than mine. It's a pretty good school, better than any of the universities I could get into if I were to go Aus, so I really wanted it. But at the same time, I didn't dare to bear any hope that they will accept me, so I applied to Goldsmiths, as well.

They replied almost immediately! Haha. But Goldsmiths was just a back-up after all.

Day #02:

I was crazy happy when they called to offer me a spot! Turns out, my application was delayed because someone with the same name as mine has criminal convictions, and it accidentally reflected on my application that I have such records too. HAHAHA.

So half of my mind was set on going to to Sheffield, BUT, Dr. P called and told me that University of Kent has offered me a place too, largely based on my personal statement (WOOHOO!) and her referral letter.

Let me explain: KENT IS DAMN FUCKING AWESOME. I have always wanted Kent, because their Psychology's course structure is the best I have seen. And they offer a degree in Applied Psychology, meaning I get to go on a job placement for one year! *hyperventilates*

If everything goes well, I will be flying to UK on the 18th or 19th September. Please meet up with me before I leave and tell me you love me if you haven't already. Haha.
I have so much to do right now; my visa, my accommodation, my living expenses, buying winter clothes, and packing my stuff. I really need to prepare myself to leave my family, friends and dog )': Plus, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY NAIL POLISH COLLECTION?!

Nevertheless, I'm grateful for this opportunity to study Psychology (something I've always wanted) in a great school.

Thank you, God // For calming my nerves, for guiding me, and for walking by my side. For the first time in my life, I heard Your voice loud and clear (':

"God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about." 

Thank you, Dr. P // For getting me into the University of my dreams, for allowing me to learn so much from you, and for inspiring me. When I complete my studies, I aspire to be like you, devoting my life to Psychology and the society. 

Thank you, Germaise // For sharing with me your experience and knowledge, for your prayers and for supporting me in my walk as a Christian. Without you, I'd still be lost. 

Thank you, my family (including Melody) // For giving me the chance to be able to study abroad, for your love and for your worries for me. 

Thank you, J // For staying up with me all these nights and checking through my personal statement, and for all the food delivered to my house. I cannot believe we will be studying in the same country! We've really come a long way, babe. And I'm glad every minute of the walk, was a walk with you (: 

Thank you, Rena, ZZ, Sharry, Alan, Wilson, Ian, Rei, Pig, Aaron, Jor, and Sheng // For being more anxious than I am, for keeping me company before results day, and for the love you sent my way. I will miss all of you so much ):

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