Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I had the weirdest dreams last night. They just kept replaying and replaying.

(little black thing is yuanyuan sleeping on my bed. don't laugh at the state of my hair ok. I woke up in the middle of a chaotic sleep. Read: 5.43am.)

Dream #01:

I was at home with my younger sister (FIRST WEIRD: I DO NOT HAVE A YOUNGER SISTER) and someone came in trying to kill us. No idea how the killer got in, but we ran and hid in the kitchen (STUPID BECAUSE KITCHENS HAVE NO LOCK).

The killer babe just stood outside with her sword (SECOND WEIRD: WHO STILL CARRIES A SWORD?!). Then I grabbed this very long knife and opened the door and cut her. She didn't retaliate so I just kept opening the door to cut her and then slamming the door shut again. I think she had a million cuts, like all over her body but she didn't look in pain at all!!! (THIRD WEIRD: ROBOTIC?).

So I went to take a sharper knife. This time, I opened the door and begin cutting her index finger. You know, like cut steak kind of cut. 2cm long of finger. SHE STILL LOOKED FUCKING CALM. What the duck is going on?! Imagine 2cm of your finger being slooooooooooowly cut off by this girl you are trying to kill. Then I woke up when the finger was about to drop onto the floor. Too bad, but I didn't get to see it.

Very long hor, my dream.

Dream #02:

Sbester dumping me for Yanting (from Leo Club). Quote: "I don't love you anymore".


Sigh, I think dream #02 repeated at least 6 times? Imagine breaking up for 6 times. Hahahaha. Fucking stab in the heart.

Wanted to call _____, but a little impossible? So I called tsw and he accompanied me till he had to leave for yam cha with his parents. 4 whole hours of talk ok. Switched to webcam halfway, cause he wanted to see my pwetty pwetty morning butt face. Haha. Happy sigh. Told you he will always be there when I need someone(:

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