This entry actually has a folder named "Sigh" in my laptop! Heh. It's a long story but I really want to blog because I haven't in a long time and that boogey boy is too busy for me. Now I'm just rambling cause typing is addictive.
So I met up with Tsw on last month's 16th to talk. The night before was horrible because I confessed to him about something I did wrong. When I told him on the phone, he refused to say anything until he finally said he needed time to think and we hung up. I knew things were bad lah, cause he's the one who came up with the we-have-to-talk-about-it-if-things-go-wrong crap. I was damn scared. Like if he screams at me, I can't do anything cause it's my fault no matter what angle you see it from. Of course, he didn't raise his voice at me. How could he when he won't even talk to me right? *dry laugh. Plus he's just not that kinda guy. During the whole time, I was just panicking to Evan and he helped me talk to Tsw (I LOVE YOU OK MAGNUM BOY, IF YOU ARE NOT TOO BUSY TO READ MY BLOG). I won't say what I did wrong ok, cause it'll be judgment day on me. Only 6 people know for now and I plan to keep it that way.
Anyway, because of this rahrah issue, 16th feb was like the day he decides whether we should continue or not, but I was already prepared to save him the trouble and just end it myself. Cause come on, it's full-fledge my fault lah. And he was so broken up by it, he even cried, which made me feel very guilty and like a venom voodoo bitch. He really really doesn't cry easily. I feel sad just thinking about it.
I told him immediately when we met @ Centrepoint, that we were better apart and he said, "No. We are at our best when we are together." Then he hands me this.

I got a freaking shock of my life and I cried and cried and cried (which scared him to no end, HAHAHA). It prolly means nothing to you, but there's a story behind this ok.
2 years ago, I worked @ Orchard Tangs, stationed beside Risis where they sold this gold-plated rose. I was super in love with it, cause there's a real rose inside!!! And I remember Yanyou and I telling each other, "If a guy buys this for me, I will marry him." THE THING IS, I never told anyone about this ding dong (except yanyou of course, but I seriously doubt she went to talk to Tsw about a rose from 2 years ago).
He said he only bought it as a Vday gift because it reminded him of me so I really don't know what this coincidence means! It's too OMG-IT-CAN'T-BE-TRUE. And to be abrupt, this was what saved our r/s and changed my mind.

P/s: I will blog more often, cross my heart.
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