Monday, October 5, 2009

Climbed Bukit Timah Nature Reserve last Friday. It was tiring ttm and kerayzeeee. People like me cannot do something like that. I amazingly managed to reach the Summit. Haha, most prolly because Alvin was helping me carry my bag.

There were hell alot of monkeys to see though.

Buay tahan, it's like too cute.

I slept at 8pm and woke up at 12 noon that day, which is insane, because I always sleep at 3am. Anyway, 16 hours of my life gone just like that! I slept at 8pm yesterday too!!! Like wtf is wrong with me? Sleeping early is good, but it's so abnormal for me. Haha.

Anyway, have been very happy these few days.
Good right. Hope it lasts.

Your misfortune is my ultimate gloat, babe.

P/s: Sbester's supposed to be back only at 12 Oct, but I received a missed call from his house? It's so weird :/

P/s/s: Accompanied Mummy to the hospital for her operation at 6am today. Only went home around 3pm? It looks painful )':

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