Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am so busy busy busy. I love it, I hate it. Going to sleep after this entry. 5 sessions of briefing tomorrow. Awesome. Someone buy sour plum juice for my throat. Haha.


It's the sex. I swear boat shoes are awesome for boys below 30. Just can't decide on the colour for tsw. Suggestions?

I super love buying clothes, hats, and footwear for him. It's like I visualize him wearing it before I make the purchase, and when he wears it, I will feel so proud because he will look so handsome :D

My Mummy has always banned me from dating (until I turn 21). She knows about Shang, and yesterday, she told me she's allowing me to date, but only with him. Like omg?!?!?! This is so weird and happy. Hahahaha.

Quote Mummy,"You will never find someone as good as him already."
Does this spell JIDONG or what? Haha.

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