Sunday, October 18, 2009

For Ngee Ann Polytechnic students only. {edited}

Omgggggg?! Finally finished sending the mail to the entire campus. I've been sending since last night yknow, and worst thing is, you cannot send all at once. Geeeeeeeeeez. We really shouldn't have such a big population. I'm so tired now.


The poster is nice right! Of course it's not up to the professional standard, but it's relatively good for something artsy done by me ok. Haha.
Models: Willy, Atiqah, Crystal.

You will be seeing this poster around campus from tomorrow onwards. Every blocks' Level 1 lift lobbies, Canteens 1, 2, 3, Orchard Road & Library, and Atrium. Keep a lookout for it ok.

This is what I've been busy with since June. Sigh, hope my event goes well.

Please come down to Atrium on 22nd or 23rd October to sign up as a pledger!!! Help me out ok. Got free bandana leh. Haha.

P/s: Didn't explain much about the event cause I don't wanna spam this space, but you can ask me personally, or come down to Atrium to find out :D Bring your friends along too.

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