Monday, November 16, 2009

안녕하세요 Ahn-nyung-ha-se-yo!
My life is finally back on track after being thrown off balance for the last 2 to 3 months. Sigh. So tired, so happy, so proud, all at the same time.

Please look at the number of brushes I downloaded for my photoshop (zip files). Hahahaha. I do obsessive stuff when I have time on my hands.

Anyway, here's a few random pictures to bring you back into my world, and before I shower for school.

1st: Fooooood.

Mini pancake. Disappointingly not as tasty as it looks/sounds.

Chicken rice balls. Don't like it at all :/

I think I still prefer donuts over chewy junior.

Yummy-yum-yum! Gorgor made this 2 weeks ago. Awesome, no?

It's so pretty right!!! Gorgor bought it for me (aww).

2nd: Yuanyuan.

Will you look at the dog?! It's like she's trying to break her own neck. Haha.

And she chewed on my laptop-support-ball. Piaaang. I have to buy new ones soon.

3rd: Beauty.

This is the BEST eyeliner I have ever used!!!! I am serious. Must have tried a million brands of eyeliner before having this. Quite expensive in Sg, but I guess it's worth every penny.

I super loved my nails here, but it was too long. I had to cut it shorter ):

A little demonic, but chio nonetheless.

My manicurist! I love her to bits man, seriously. She's like very easy to talk to.

Please check out my nail polish collection. I am too insane x999999999999999. $85.40 spent on 23 nail colours. HAHAHA.

Ok, this watch comes with a miracle story. Sophie and I were looking for a watch for me. It was either this, or a sleek black one. I obviously love the gold one over the black one, but it was over my budget. So I got the black watch (which wasn't too bad) instead. Plus, I don't really wear watches often. THEN!!! Tsw gave me the EXACT WATCH I SAW, right before school reopened. Cause he wanted me to be on time on the first day (fucker, but nvm). The thing is, I never told him about this watch at all and he just happened to saw it (not even at the same place as I did), AND BOUGHT IT!!! Telepathy or what?!


Now, it looks like....


Here's the difference.

I have bought so many beauty products in 6 months :O

Going to be late for school again. Bye.

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