Monday, November 16, 2009

I didn't go to school in the end. Sigh. Had to hop down to the university boy's house so that I could get some work done. And I did! I swear if I had stayed at home, my only product would have been sleep and painted nails. It's all I ever do these days. Finish compiling the EA guidelines and I have a mighty few ideas for tomorrow's meeting with Fei, Beeree, and ZuoEn (HAHAHA, completely changed their names). Sigh sigh. Evan's not in the same group as me no more. I don't even get to makan with him now ):

Anyway, my trip to his house was good. He helped me concentrate. I wanted to binge on cookies, he made me chew on heartless fruits. I wanted to play bubble spinner, he alt+f4 my browser. I wanted to watch tv, he changed the channel to CNA. Fucker, but I love him.

He's been holding my world up, yknow?

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