Monday, February 27, 2012


My past week has been so horrible, it's unbelievable.

1. Was down with a cold.
2. Took paracetamol but it didn't help.
3. Heeded the school nurse's advice and took ibuprofen.
3. Developed a crazy allergic reaction to it where my face swelled up to the size of a basketball.
4. Ambulance came and took me to the hospital (must admit, the experience was pretty cool, hahaha).
5. Recovered from the cold.
6. Woke up this morning and I couldn't open my right eye. It was so painful, I wanted to pull it out myself.

Seriously, my body has been through so much beating for the last few days and it doesn't seem to be ending. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?! :( Just want to be better so that I can focus on my studies... But anyway, need to give an enormous shout-out to my amazing flatmates (Divya, SJ, and Reema) for taking care of me when I was ill and especially to Reema who rode in the ambulance with me and stayed with me the whole time. Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Asim doesn't get a shout-out cause he laughed at me when my face swelled up. !@#$%^&*

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