Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I was packing my table when I found........

A package I received a few months ago. For some reason, I kept the envelope. I wanted to blog about it but with my wonderful memory, I always forgot and just chucked it aside.

FROM KOREA KNOW!!! I do not frocking remember having Korean friends besides Hannah and David (who are still in Singapore). And the name reaaaaaaaally didn't ring a bell. Inside was a gift (shall not reveal) and a handwritten note. I only realized who this mystery person was after I read the note!

4 years ago, I volunteered in an organization that was set out to help problematic kids. Most of them were either very disobedient or had trouble fitting in school. I paid special attention to this P6 boy because he was supposedly the worst of them all. Slowly (hopefully because of me), his attitude became better and better. He took the PSLE but went back to Seoul before his results came out.

Now, he has grown up and he actually called the organization from Korea to get my address. In his note, he wrote that I was the turning point of his life and without me, he wouldn't be where he is now. His English is very poor, but I guess this is one of the times where 'it's the thought that counts'.

It warms my heart to receive something like this in the mailbox. You would be touched too right? Makes me feel appreciated. 4 years is a long time to remember a short and vague memory. I was sorry I forgot about him, but grateful he remembered me(:

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