Sunday, September 13, 2009

I had a frooooooooocking great time tonight!!!! Seriously. This is like why 'surprises' are invented.

Today was the Lions and Leos Fellowship Gathering. I totally thought it would be dead boring, and I only went because of obligation. But today was one of the best days I have had in quite a long time.

LC was invited and I went with Soph, Huiying, Yanting and Alicia.

The host was Lion Simon and his wife spent 3 days preparing the food you know!

Grade A food. Nothing catered. Madness.

Lion Simon teaching us how to bbq the salmon. Haha.


This is the best dessert ever!!! Passion fruit thing. Had like 5 cups of this. Hahahaha.

Besides the food, it was the company. Met alot of new and interesting people. I think when you first see them, they appear common and boring, but when you start to talk to them, you will realize how much perspectives they have and the unlimited humour they can unleash.

I can finally put a name to people's face. Like Benjamin, Red Fa, Catherine, Lion Francis etc. It's quite exciting.

This is Mao mao. I think she is very very cute and quite pretty. Haha.

This is Lion Choon Kiat. I just found out he can be very very lame.

BBQ crew.

Very fun day. Left @ 11.30pm. Will try to keep the promise for NP Leos to host the next Fellowship Gathering :D

What you see is a bunch of older people and us as misfits amongst them. You wonder, how can we communicate with them? What you cannot see is their wisdom, adaptability, and influence. There is so much to learn from them and I cannot even begin to list all down. I think I just gained something priceless, FOC.

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