Sunday, September 13, 2009

Had brunch w/ Woomama and Tiff last week! As usual, I was late, but let's move on.

I miss them so much leh! Especially Munwah. I haven't met up with him since last year I think. I still see Tiff @ school :D

After that, they went back to my place cause I was supposed to have a meeting with my FTS Committee.

They were super super bored. Haha. No time to entertain them.

My comm left and I had dinner w/ Soph @ Fish&Co.
I left Park Mall to meet Don and Feli Jie for celebratory drinks. We spent over a 100bucks on alcohol alone! Jidong. Fully sponsored by Don cause he just opened his second pub! Left awhile later to meet Munwah & Tiff again for more booze. Hahaha.

Bought 9 bottles of Carlsberg and we only managed to polish off 4 :O

Called Cong along cause I haven't seen him for a long long time.

Went Tiff's house and left @ 6am. Just in time for Mw to catch the first bus home. Haha.
Quite a fun day for me, cause I got to catch up with old friends. We should do it more often, just minus the high alcohol content :D:D:D

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