Saturday, September 5, 2009

Can't stand it, I have to go sleep. Supposed to act like a good girlfriend and wait for tsw to finish studying but I can't do it ah. I watched 2 seasons of Big Bang Theory thrice and played Fb's Bubble Spinner five thousand times alr. My eyes are closing and I will be put to sleep after a chapter of Harry Potty.
What is wrong with me? I used to be the queen of no-sleep land.
Am I making sense to you? I hope so, because I feel like I drank 5 jugs of booze when all it is is fat-ti-gee-u.
Am I babbling? I think so.

Anyways, wake up in 7 hours for brunch w/ Tiff and Woomama (munwah) :D
Catch up and lepak session. Good night, babies.

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