Saturday, August 28, 2010

Finding kindness in your love.

He introduced me as his girlfriend today. Technically, it's not the right status and I wasn't there but...he introduced me as his girlfriend. To a bunch of people I didn't know nonetheless. He could have just said "I have a girlfriend" but he went on telling everybody what I'm studying, where I'm working at, which church I go to, how we met, the fun things we did last week, and even showing them my photograph in his broken Dunhill wallet.

I found you (': Found somebody who is proud of me, and proud to have me. I was so happy I think my fat heart did a tiny swirl. It's no longer about how much you say you love me or how much you want us to be together. It's about proving all my insecurities wrong and announcing to the whole world that I am someone deserving of something more than just acceptance. You probably don't know this means so much, but thank you :'D

P/s: And Peiying, thank you so much for telling me this <3

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