Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Mummy just got home. I feel sick in my stomach. Ok, these two things are not related but they just crossed my mind in a split second. I'm not sleepy in the least but I think I will go to bed now before I hurl on my laptop.

Maybe it's the kaya toast from the airport this morning
Maybe it's the crab I ate this afternoon
Maybe it's the Super Mario I played on the DS
Maybe it's the people I came into contact with up until now
Maybe it's all the crying I've done
Maybe it's because there are so little questions on my fs today (HAHA)
Maybe it's the non-stop web-surfing
Maybe it's because I can't get what I want
Maybe it's because I removed my nail colour and haven't painted a new one

4 people tried to make plans with me today and because of my foul state, I blew all of them off. I am so sorry my babies. Not the right time.

I only know three things:
1. I want to vomit
2. I don't feel like talking to anyone
3. I miss my good ol' boy, Tsw (he's on a gay trip to KL with Tzeliang and Riah)

P/s: Can you guess my title!?

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