Tuesday, January 24, 2012

7 days a week.

In the tube today, I saw a man playing around with his child (less than a year old). The look on his face was probably a reflection of the greatest joy I have witnessed all week, and it was extremely infectious. I smiled at them, he smiled back at me; I was instantly reminded of the truest form of love - selfless, not existing to prove anything to anyone, and a place you can just lose yourself in. You see that in the tears of a bride's father, in a mother's hug when she sends her child away, in the friends and family left behind when a person dies, and most importantly, you see that in yourself (from time to time).

Once in a while, you witness something that reminds you so much of hope and love - something casual, something insignificant, something easily dismissed. And it's when you are taught again, that love is not as complicated as you make it out to be in your head, that it's not as difficult to attain as your experiences tell you, and that it is in every corner of your life - if you would just pay attention.

Formspring anon K, this is for you. Have faith, have fun, and just love :)

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