Thursday, May 26, 2011


In 9 hours' time, I'll be on the plane to Philippines!!!! It was supposed to be a solo trip for me, but J surprised me yesterday with some awesome news that he'll be going with me! So excited, my ass is gonna fall out :3

We're not gonna travel together though. I'll be meeting up with M and some tumblr people (OMG EXTREME COOLNESS), while he'll be visiting relatives and exploring. Throughout the 6 days, I think we'll just meet up for lunch/dinner for 3 days max...? Because he decided to come along at the last minute, he will be taking a different flight and staying at a different hotel. Haha.

Anyway, we had an intense fight the night before and I screamed at him. Turns out, he was just trying to surprise me, and I misunderstood his intentions ): So I apologized to him in the form of a hugeass cookie (THE SIZE OF YOUR FREAKING PALM) and a couple of wet, sloppy kisses. HAHAHA.


I have the world's sweetest boyfriend, and sometimes, it'll take me a while to remember that. Thank you for doing so much for me, babe. I feel like a fool for losing my cool. Argh. But I love you (':

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