Monday, February 7, 2011

Wolf Boy.

I took a huge step this year and agreed to meet J's ENTIRE FAMILY for Lunar New Year. By that, I mean his father, mother, grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins. It was intimidating 101, but I survived :D

Despite my nerves and paranoia, I enjoyed the night thoroughly. I have never seen such a close-knitted family, who have the capacity to tease and laugh at each other. Even their love and protectiveness for one another was so strong and overwhelming. I think they are the reason he managed to grow up to be who he is now, and I finally understood how, despite the ugly truths he has had to face in life, he still turned out to be so determined, so accepting and so confident.

And I learnt something new about J! According to his cousin, Jermaine, his nickname in the family is "Wolf Boy" because of his broodiness. SO TRUE!!! Hahaha. He is always frowning and his eyes become damn intense as a result. *droooolz <3

I love you, Wolf Boy. Thank you for including me into your family (':

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