Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hey Jiayi, how do you honestly feel about your boyfriend and this relationship?

I feel like everything and nothing has changed ever since we got together. I don't really know how to explain how I feel, because it's a bundle of emotions and thoughts.

In some ways, I feel like he is still the same old best friend I bitch to everyday. I'm still able to tell him everything that is on my mind, and he still takes in all my nonsense. But when I remember that he is now my boyfriend too (yes, I forget sometimes), I always feel a sudden wave of peace and joy. I'm not used to feeling this secure about a relationship.

I don't tell him this, but I am extremely humbled by him and his love. I'm grateful that he knows me inside out, I'm grateful for how kind and giving he is (not just to me, but everyone else), and I'm grateful that he can see past my rowdiness to love me as a girlfriend (': When I'm around him, I don't have to change a thing about myself, because he has seen it all.

Cannot believe I actually cried after typing this. Haha. Thank you for this question (:

Ask/Tell me anything (:

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