Saturday, October 3, 2009


Learnt to let go of so many things in these few short days...

Rei is back in Singapore. Have been with him everyday since Monday and we just talked and talked and talked. He helped me see what I have missed, my blind spots. I think we haven't spoken in a year? He went back Vancouver and we just stopped contacting. Sigh. My only caucasian friend who can speak fluent Mandarin. That has always been his characteristic.

"I'm only back because you need someone to talk to."
- Rei.

He just read my blog and decided to come here without telling anyone. I was the first person he called when he landed.
Nobody knew when he was going back, because he didn't know either. The flight here was bought on a one-way ticket. Rei only told me today that he was going back tomorrow. Sucker-punched him and cried in his arms because he said, "I'm going back tomorrow because I think you are okay now".

No one has flown across the world for me before. No one has done something that even matches the scale of what you have done.
Thank you ok. I love you, 朋友. I will take care of myself and learn to let go when I have to. Won't ever forget you.

"Don't stop being the bitch you are. The world needs someone like you."
- Rei.

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