Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm here to blog a long long post!
Had a farewell gathering for Wencong cause he was leaving for NS.

Met up @ Decoder's Cafe to visit auntie.

Auntie, Terry, Jacklin, Wencong, Terence, gorgor. So weird to have mutual friends with my brother. Haha. Met all of them from work, except for Jacklin.

Went Bishan for prawning after we left the cafe. Quite excited cause I've never gone prawning before, but Bishan leh!!!!! Damn far please.

Terry taught me how to prawn. Got technique one okkkk. But he helped me put the bait on my hook everytime. The bait is CHICKEN HEART. So cooool right.

Wencong's last record: 2 prawns in 3 hours. HAHAHAHA. Buay tahan.

They caught the first prawn leh! Irritating. Haha.

Terence with his catch.

LOOK AT THE PINCER PLEASE. Almost will die if you kena kiap. Terry cruelly plucked it out know. Then that Wencong also. His prawns' pincers were like damn small, but he still plucked them out. HAHA.

3 hours later, we were ready to bbq them. Drools.

First, you need to drive a satay stick through their body.

Then, you need to wash them.

Aww, some are pregnant.

After that, put them on the grill!

Semi-cooked alr.


They started without me. Idiotttt.

All gone!

Last picture of the day:

I think this trip makes one of the happiest days I have had in my life. Nothing to worry about, everything was lighthearted. And it's the company too. Terence, Terry, and Wencong are the best people I have known so far. Don't really know Jacklin well, but she should be a very nice person if she can tolerate Terry. Hahaha. I miss them already ): Hope Wencong's doing well in army.

P/s: I caught 11 prawns!!!!! Record holder ok. I'm not going to reveal my technique, it's too hard to master. Will only show it if you go prawning with me (; The 5 people know now.

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