Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I planned 6 surprises for Sufei but they got kinda screwed up yesterday. Anyhow, by the end of the day, I guess it all came well together?

21st September started with tsw driving me to Soph's place for her first surprise. It was so difficult to find and we took very very long. You know what he said to me!? "You know I love you but next time please find out how we can go there before we leave." HAHAHAHA. Smarty pants.

Surprise 1: Cupcakes!

Woke up damn early to bake them ok.

Screw up: Joanne, Beatrice and Evan were supposed to be with me, but obviously, they were not. Will not elaborate.

So in the end, I was alone standing outside her house waiting to ambush her. Left awhile later to Tampines (which is frocking far from Boon Lay?!) and Soph went back to sleep.

Met her again in town at 3pm.

I miss-called her 18 times because...she turned 18? Hahaha.

Had Slice of life to stall time for her 2nd surprise.

Surprise 2: Alicia, Yanting and Huiying + Cake + Present!

Screw up: Supposed to have all the BOD members but gua gua gua, left only three.

And the Leo tradition.

Soph and I left town and took the train to CCK. Omg? It was such a long ride, the both of us fell asleep.

Surprise 3: Fish Spa @ Qian Hu!

Soph didn't know where we were going until we went on the shuttle bus. Hahaha.

Screw up: Sophie was too scared to put her feet in.

Ok, it's fish cruelty but it was still alive when I put it back.

There was another pond with bigger fishes.

CAN YOU SEE THE FISHES?! Can you imagine them nibbling on your feet?!?!? I only dared to put one foot in and the sensation was O.O

Left @ 7pm for Pepper Lunch (!!!).

Surprise 4: Birthday cards from FTS Committee

Surprise 5: Shuyi and Joey.

They are her bestfriends + secondary schoolmates. Throughout the day, I was texting Shuyi and arranging for them to surprise her. Haha.

Surprise 6: Eyeshadow Colour Palette

This is what I went to Tampines for. And this was the main present for her birthday.

Went home, called tsw and went to sleep. He missed his morning lecture for sending me to Soph's place and guess what...


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