Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here's the answers to all your questions:

No tagboard because (1) no coward will have a chance to hide behind their computer screen and scold me, (2) people who have things to say to me can do so personally (and they have), (3) I don't really care what some people have to say or think.

No blog counter (or whtv you call it) because blogging is no longer about fame, popularity or attention. I suggest you stop having it too, because it's so tiresome to have to keep up with something like that.

No links to people because (1) no one has wanted me to link them yet, (2) I don't want people to come here just because I have links to other people, (3) I want my blog simple and uncluttered. I still read alot of people's blogs. I just choose to Favourite them in my browser or I will blog-hop. You can still offer your url to me. I love reading blogs.

No prompting of people to link me because they will naturally link/read my blog if they want to (it's on my msn!). Thank you to those who have linked me though :D

No pictures of tsw because (1) it's too private, (2) it's none of your business, (3) I don't want people to start talking/judging. You can stalk me if you wanna see him.

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