Friday, August 14, 2009

Dear TYZX (your full name):

If you are reading this, please be strong. There are so many things in life you can look forward to. We have never been really close, but occasionally we will talk. It's all like random times and random topics. I remember the night we talked about you and him at our class chalet and now we are talking about you and him again. I was happy for you, because you are a nice girl and you deserve the best. So now I'm sad for you because you received the worst. I hope you will get the answer you want, but if not, don't give up on life and the things you have. It's not the end of the world. A not-so-close friend like me will still be here for you. I can't be the pillar to hold the sky up when it falls on you, but I will build a wall around you to try to cushion the hurt.

Love, Jiayi

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