Thursday, August 20, 2009

My phone rang just now w/ your house number. I thought it was you. Turns out it was your mummy asking me out for dinner on Tuesday. Is your papa going? Are you going? I think she wants to talk about last Monday's lunch. Asshole, you tell her I scared right!

My friends say me again. "You must cherish your perfect boyfriend yada yada yada". Come and tell them that I do, they just don't see it. Haha. I'm lying. I am super super omega bad to him.

I kick his ass when his back is facing me.
I pluck his 100cm long leg hair when he argues with me.
I force him to use tweezers to pull out 2 of his armpit hair, just for fun.
I wait until he finish styling his prince-charming hair, then I mess it up.
I use textbook to whack his crotch when he's not paying attention.
I bite his arm when I wake up before he does (WHICH IS 90% OF THE TIME!?).
I cannot remember for shit that he hates bananas, so I always buy a bunch to his house.
I sing damn loudly and horribly while he's driving.
I ignore him for days when I am studying.
I use up all his money for beanie babies.
I force him to donate all his coins to my ice-cream coin bank.
I make him eat char kuay teow after his work-out.
I threaten to kill him if he doesn't draw my eye-liner properly.
I make him buy herbal jelly from chinatown when he's @ Bukit Timah.

I think that's all.

Oh wait, one more.
I am calling him now to wake him up for toilet break. HAHAHAHA.

I have news for everybody. Boyfriend the vainpot got a new car from his parents cause he is going to move out. Makes no sense to me, but it's a Mini Cooper. You cannot argue w/ a MC.

Irritating right. Why must he get a Mini Cooper, it was MY dream car lor, not his. His is the orberlongkong Jeep leh.

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