Sunday, August 23, 2009

1. When you blog about a breakup, the other party feels guilty and sometimes, regretful.

2. When you blog about the misery you went through in the r/s, the other party gets annoyed.

3. When you blog about a made-up fact, the other party can tell.

4. When you blog about another guy, the other party will let go and move on.

5. When you make-up an imaginary guy, your life is fucking pathetic.

Boys can tell when you are lying just to salvage a torn r/s ok. And honestly? If they care to break up, they don't care who you sleep with, not to mention which new boy is entering your life. I'm not saying there is no break-and-patch, but the jealousy card is not gonna get you where you wanna be. Play the guilt poker instead, so much more effective.

Already, I have 3 friends committing 2, 3, and 5. I should shut my mouth before it gets me into trouble again. Hah.

P/s: I cannot finish studying!!!

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