Thursday, December 1, 2011

AIDS and anti-gay prejudice.

I have been volunteering with Action for AIDS for almost three years now, and every time I come across any publication concerning HIV/AIDS, I will stop and have a look. My bedtime read tonight was on how the public used the fear surrounding AIDS to justify their discrimination against homosexuals. It was an intriguing, yet aggravating article.

It was mentioned that homophobics, including mayoral candidates, journalists and even church leaders, accused gay people for the main cause of AIDS, blaming it on their "immoral, unnatural, unsanitary, unhealthy, and suicidal practice of anal intercourse".  What struck me the most was...these are public figures that hundreds and thousands of people looked up to, but it's such a pity that they couldn't advocate something better than hate and animosity.

And now, even after decades, there are still people who try to justify prejudice with layers and layers of ignorance and misinformation.

Know this:
1. HIV is transmitted through semen, vaginal fluids or blood during sexual intercourse (NOT JUST ANAL INTERCOURSE), blood transfusions, needle sharing among intravenous drug users, and from an infected mother to baby during pregnancy, child birth, or breastfeeding. (Source)

2. There are many more infections seen among heterosexual men and women. Over 75% of infections around the world are acquired through heterosexual intercourse. (Source)

Be less ignorant, less judgmental, and more accepting.

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