Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beautiful girls, all over the world. I could be chasing but I WILL NOT CHASE YOU cuz you're so U-G-L-Y, you're so U-G-L-Y! I really dislike you. You ignored me when I smiled at you in school! HEY PEOPLE, don't be deceived by her blog. She's really evil!

If I blatantly ignored you, it's most likely because I didn't see you or didn't think you were smiling at me. I'm always in my own world when I walk around school, especially if I have my earphones on. If you know me, you'd know that I'm not someone who would diss another person for no apparent reason.

I find it really amusing for you to hate on me because I didn't acknowledge you, but just to make you happy, I'll post this on my tumblr and personal blog ok?

Ask/Tell me anything (:

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