Saturday, July 10, 2010

What would you like to say to the people who forgot your birthday? And has that changed your friendship with them?

I want to sigh in their face. Hahahaha. My birthday is important to me and I'd want my friends to value it as much as I do, but in reality, it's just another day of the week for them. It's not very wise to steer an entire friendship because of one single day.

I was upset with most of them because I have gone all out to celebrate THEIR birthdays. Turned up at their doorstep at the break of dawn, wielded a cake and gift to spend the last moments of their birthday with them, planned a whole day of surprises, shipping their favourite item from overseas since a month ago, and the list goes on. I don't do these things to ask for a similar treatment. I do them unconditionally but it'd be nice if they had appreciated it and NOT FORGET MINE or treat it like it's mundane.

And I was very disappointed when they lied to me like "No, I didn't forget". Or they come up with ridiculous excuses like "I was busy". Come on. Jehki is a teenager running a boutique, with errands to run, goods to collect, and items to source for. HE found time to close the shop for a day, call up and invite over 50 people, and decorate the place. Don't lie to my face about being busy.

Sometimes, all people need to do is apologize and admit that I/my birthday am/is not as important as they hype it up to be! Excuses are for people dumb enough to believe them.

But despite all my ranting above, it will hardly change my relationships with any of my friends. My dismay came from the high expectations I have for them, and it's because they have done some spectacular things for me, so I take it for granted that they will always stay this way. So now, I just have to learn to lower my expectations and appreciate them for the other things they have done for me. There's a reason why I call them my good friends in the first place.

Ask/Tell me anything (:

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