Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Going to TBC and talking to G tonight helped me alot. In a way, I was reassured and I learnt more about myself. I still don't know what I am going to do or what I should do to salvage all these, but I will continue having faith that the answer will come soon.

I will not give in to matters or people if it means losing who I am.
I will not live another day knowing that I am suppressed.
But I will change myself to be more grateful, respectful and understanding.

These are the values I learnt today, and I hope next Tuesday will shed more light into my life.

P/s: If you feel that I have shortchanged you in a way by being disrespectful, please understand that I am still learning to respect the person I am. Give me time to learn.

P/s/s: Will check my formspring tomorrow. Thanks for all the questions and keep them coming(:

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