Monday, April 5, 2010

I am a kid.

I’m a 5 year old trapped in a 19 year old girls body.

I still drink chocolate milk with a straw and get yelled at for making bubbles.

I sing when I walk down the street.

I still pee only when I really need to and dance to the sound of the shower.

I run into my mother’s room when it’s time to go to bed and ask her to tuck me in bed.

I still believe in the tooth fairy.

My favorite holiday is Christmas & I make wishes during birthdays, knowing they will come true.

I sleep with my blankie and bunny every night.

Electricity plugs still fascinate me.

I still run around the house in my underwear.

Socks and flip-flops are still a major "fashion yes"!

Skimpy shorts and tank tops don’t interest me, I’d rather be wearing my sponge-bob square pants t-shirt.

Growing up is for nerds. <3

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