Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, whore.


May I just tell you,

Fuck is not fcuk
It's not fk, or fuk, or eff, or f.
Seriously, it's not any other way. Fuck is fuck. Since you use it so often, might as well use it the right way.

And what is with the over-the-head picture shots? Is there something on your forehead I don't know about? Or are you trying to show me your bald spots? And in every picture, you are looking anywhere but the camera. Seriously ok. We know you took a self-shot, so at least make the agony worthwhile.

I know I know. I can simply not go your blog because it's your personal space and you can say whatever you want blah blah blah. I said this same crap when I was 13. Grow up already. The minute you created a public blog, you threw privacy down the drain. Stop being a baby. And if you hadn't acted all nice infront of Tsw, I wouldn't even give a tiny rat's ass to your blog and your fucked up face. He lied to you. I do not like you AT ALL and I think you are a whiny two-faced bitch. He was just trying to be polite and not tell you his gf hates you, but I thought you should know.

I am used to having girls fall head over heels for Tsw but you already took one boy of mine the last time, so leave Tsw alone and get back to your sad little self-sufficient life. I despise ahlians like you with your poorly drawn eyeliner and silly pouts and acting cute and concerns over the smallest issues.

Like "Oh! Should I rebond my hair? Gosh, I don't know! Omg, it's killing me to make this decision. It's such a big deal! What should I do?"

Nobody gives a flying fuck about your hair ok. Just rebond it like all the ahlians do. Be in your natural habitat.

So fuck you, whore. You and your kind can gouge your eyes out while admiring yourselves in the mirror. I am ruthless, harsh and uncaring, but at least I do it with respect for myself.

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