Sunday, January 10, 2010

I just received an email and I thought it was from you, because the sender has your surname, and it's quite a rare one. I guess the other reason is because you used to always send me emails when you have alot to tell me or too scared to even text me. Mixed feelings ttm. A little apprehensive, alot of anticipation. It's like I'm thinking, "Oh no, what is he going to say this time" and at the same time, "Yay, it's been so long since we contacted each other".

Anyway, all my questions, doubts and whatnots were saved, because it isn't even you. Haha. I'm not sure if you know I'm talking about you, but it's alright. I don't even know if I want you to know. So if you do me?

P/s: Is it too confusing?

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