Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here's pictures from my boating trip with Daddy and Gorgor.

SAF Yacht Club.

Daddyyyyy :D

Boat's 'living room'

My bedroom!

First day was spent @ the club; arcade, swimming and eating.
We drove the boat out the next day.

The sun was very strong but you almost cannot feel it with the breeze going on forever. Haha.

If you have seen me lately, you'd know I had a super horrible sunburn. Skin is STILL peeling.

Stopped @ this beautiful island and had a swim in the sea. The water was clear and very very cooling. I was just damn scared a jellyfish will sting me.

I want to go again! It's super super fun! And I got to spend time with Papa. Maybe I'll go with friends the next time. Daddy doesn't mind :D

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